Amid a seemingly never-ending cost of living crisis, the leisure & events sector faces yet another challenge in gaining a slice of the nation’s disposable income.
As consumers no doubt look to reduce their spending, venues may well do the same, especially with their marketing. Such cost cutting in these times can be a big mistake.
It obviously doesn’t help with the constant stream of negative news eroding consumer confidence but maintaining front-of-mind awareness with your audience is vital in these times.
Will brand marketing be put on hold in favor of performance marketing? Or, will it be the catalyst for the leisure sector to evolve further into the digital world?
Certainly, with younger audiences already spending more time online for entertainment than in the real world, the future of leisure and event marketing surely should be about achieving the right balance across both.
The Metaverse will allow us to visit a museum or amusement park virtually – No travelling or queuing and open 24/7 and, once the technology catches up with the experience expectations, it may well become an accepted reality.
Today’s consumer mindset, more than ever, needs escapism. Coupled with the growing ‘live for today’ attitude, this means the leisure industry will need to overcome even greater challenges to maintain old-school, ticket-paying, human audiences through their door.
Oliver Preston
Planning Director